
Opinion articles

'Glocal' ethics

  By: Juan Morales Ordonez -

The expression 'glocal' is an acronym formed by syllables from the words global and local and its meaning unites the particularity of an approach or action with its general setting. Since the eighties of the previous century it has been used in different social spheres and now, in contemporary society, the interrelation of the parts with the whole is clear. We are connected and we are part of a group that dynamically acquires forms that are the result of what each one does.

This statement is so evident in these times because the relationship between people, to a large extent, is mediated by computer platforms for communication in real time. Every day we connect with people who are physically in different parts of our country and the world. This reality, connection and interaction, allows us to contribute from the locality of our culture with the objectives of others that are anywhere on the planet. In this sense, contemporaneity offers us immense possibilities for joint work because communication technologies are part of everyday life.

From this perspective you can understand the data that I write below: Alamor, Limón Indanza, Santa Rosa, Guayaquil, Huaquillas, Gualaquiza, Paquisha, Riobamba, Biblián, Zaruma, Vinces, Machala, Quito, Palora, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, San José de Chimbo and other cities of Ecuador, in total more than sixty; and, San Salvador de Jujuy, La Paz, Lima, Medellín, Ushuaia, Tegucigalpa, Sinaloa, Teziutlán, Puebla, Bagé, Culiacán, Tucumán and others from twelve foreign countries. All places of residence of the more than five thousand people who participated in the International Ethics, University and Society Congress that was held the previous week at the University of Azuay in Cuenca. The age range of that universe was between seventeen and seventy-four years. Eighty percent of those enrolled were in the seventeen to twenty-five year old range ... young. Fifty-one lecturers spoke about ethics from the approaches of the different areas of knowledge and professions: law, politics, engineering, economics, finance, management, education, philosophy, medicine, technologies, design, architecture and art. And it was the deployment of criteria and reasons that in many moments reached levels of collective emotionality, because the theme allowed to speak of what is correct, to show the morally inappropriate of so many ways of acting of individuals, groups or societies and, to summon to strengthen that process with the aim of influencing the improvement of social practices and the establishment of increasingly intelligent levels for the sustainability of all, people and nature.

Next year, organized students will have an ethics event from their perspective. In addition, the Salesian Polytechnic University will be responsible for coordinating the 2021 edition of the International Congress on Ethics, University and Society. All actions that contribute from the local to the global… because we are connected! (OR)

Different ways

  By: Juan Morales Ordonez -

And only one truth. Yes, for many this is the case, because they claim that it is necessary to reach an understanding and practice of solidarity, hope and the powerful enthusiasm that moves people's minds and hearts to be better and better in service and in search for collective transcendence, one that aims at the survival and projection of all human beings, which cannot be understood if it is not from the care and preservation of the environment throughout the planet. The truth is love of neighbor and nature, so difficult to write - in my case - due to the depth of its meaning and the mediocrity of my personal reality, so often not coherent enough with that vital challenging and complex edict. Because human beings are also defined by selfish characteristics that determine that we only see for ourselves, in a clear exercise of individualism that inevitably leads to decadence and global precariousness.

The UDA and the Bicentennial

  By: Mario Jaramillo Paredes -

At the end of the month of November - the month of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Cuenca - five new books published by the University of Azuay circulate. Days before, on November XNUMX, the UDA handed over to the city and put at the service of the students a new and modern campus located in the Baños parish.

Simultaneously announces several postgraduate programs in different areas, including Philosophy. In grossly pragmatic times such as today, a graduate degree in Philosophy is a breath of fresh air in the rarefied university world battered by a decade of state authoritarianism and attempts to deprive it of autonomy. This week develops an Ethics Congress, in a country where Ethics is an archaism in recent years. It is a way of vindicating in the facts - not only in statements - the mission of seeking the truth through reason, as befits a university.

Lights, camera and ethics

  By: José Chalco Salgado -

Action by itself makes no sense, it cannot be a race for acting -in all its meanings-, speed, mask or lack of definition of the natural procedure.

The action must be accompanied by a current of understanding of its meaning and reason linked to a higher stage. The action is not right if it is not accompanied, or, rather, is not accompanied by an exercise of the why of the manifestation or volitional expression. It is about the understanding of a sense of life by the other, where the imperative is not the fleeting and useful, even less the effective and not affective. It includes the pause, valuation of good and bad, of right and wrong, of the meaning of life.

Ethics and politics

  By: Marco Salamea Córdova -

A unique and important event called "ETHICS, UNIVERSITY AND SOCIETY", organized by the "Ethics Program of the University of Azuay", will be held on November 25, 26 and 27; event that also has the support of the other Cuenca Universities, which are part of the "University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics" (RUCEB).

In a context in which today's society is experiencing not only a health pandemic, but also a pandemic of corruption and unethical behaviors, it is very timely and hopeful to reflect on and discuss ethics in various areas of social life; Defining what is good, just and desirable in people's behavior, in their diverse life practices, is fundamental not only for the achievement of individual well-being but, above all, of all the members that make up society.

Ethics Congress

  By: Eduardo Sanchez Sanchez -

Ethics etymologically comes from the Greek ethos and it means stay where one lives, it was Aristotle who refines and defines it as a way of being, character and conduct of man in society, with the relationships that he establishes, recognizing good and evil. Therefore, it is linked to morality and in the professions they speak of deontological codes, that is, values ​​to be practiced. It is impossible in the academic world not to consider in depth this behavioral matrix linked to the exercise of science. The Congress organized by the Network of Universities of Cuenca with the initiative of the UDA and its Director, Dr. Juan Morales O, will have a brilliant body of lecturers that exceeds the number of 51, with an international character, who will start this RED, whose goal is to continue the management of propagating that all scientific attitude cannot remain in philosophical theory but in practice of all anthropogenic acts linked to sciences and professions.