
Posthumous Kropotkin: the Ethics, a century later

Posthumous Kropotkin: the Ethics, a century later

If last year 2021 marked the centenary of the death of the wise anarchist Piotr Kropotkin (to assess his legacy, the FAL published a collective volume of some 400 pages entitled Kropotkin one hundred years later), in this 2022 a century has passed since the appearance of the book that collects his last wishes, Ethics, origin and evolution of morality. Work where the Russian thinker tries to give continuity in the human environment to the investigations outlined in Mutual support, a factor of evolution. Book whose first edition was published in London in 1902 as a response to the < > with which some disciples of Charles Darwin, more papist than the pope, had framed his famous study on The origin of species. As a result of the field work carried out in Siberia, Kropotkin argued that cooperation and solidarity are as important in the preservation of the species as competition and rivalry, an option persistently maintained by the fundamentalist epigones of the great English naturalist, pioneer of natural selection. .


