
Ethics and deontology under debate at the XIV State and II Ibero-American Congress of Social Work

Ethics and deontology under debate at the XIV State and II Ibero-American Congress of Social Work

The institutional act was carried out by the X anniversary of the update of the Code of Ethics of Social Work (the previous one was approved in 1999), which was attended by Florencio Alfaro Simarro, president of the Official College of Social Work of Castilla La Mancha; Patricia Bezunartea Barrio, General Director of Family Diversity and Social Services of the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda; José Manuel Caballero Serrano, president of the Ciudad Real Provincial Council; Bárbara García Torijano, Counselor for Social Welfare of the Castile-La Mancha Community Board, and Emiliana Vicente González, President of the General Council of Social Work.

The professor and expert in ethics Adela Cortina was the keynote speaker on the first day, a conference framed within the axis "Ethics and Deontology as key pillars for quality in intervention from Social Work". Cortina carried out an analysis of the meaning of ethics in the present and future of the professions and, in particular, of Social Work.


