
The coming transformation and how it will shape the new company culture

The coming transformation and how it will shape the new company culture

Culture, understood as identity, refers to the most deeply rooted characteristics of an organization as a work community. It reflects the strength and idiosyncrasy of a company. It has to do with unalterable basic assumptions about collaboration between people, mutual relationships, the relationship between people and their environment. They constitute the basis of values, norms, often unwritten, and uses relative to what is considered appropriate and what is not. It is nurtured and sustained in discourse and ritual, in organizational behavior and in the way people work together. It even refers to the obvious forms of expression, such as the use of language, the organization's “style book”, the features of clothing and management style.

The culture of an organization evolves to the extent that experiences that are lived in it do. Therefore, culture should be seen as the consolidation of learning processes that are open to change thanks to new situations. Thus, culture becomes something dynamic that evolves and transforms over time.

