
Business action, increasingly necessary in the face of the climate emergency

Business action, increasingly necessary in the face of the climate emergency

The Climate Change Cluster, promoted by Forética and made up of 70 large companies, has held its seventh edition addressing the latest advances at European level in terms of climate reporting. Specifically, climate taxonomy has been deepened, a fundamental element within the European Commission's Action Plan for Sustainable Finance.

What progress has there been in terms of climate reporting? In the face of the climatic emergency that does not let up throughout the world, it is especially important to know the state of progress in this matter in our country, specifically with regard to climate taxonomy. Forética experts affirm that this is a key moment of progress and normative demand in terms of reporting on matters related to climate change. It is important to remember that, on the one hand, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law of Spain plans to oblige companies to calculate and publish their carbon footprint and an emissions reduction plan that must include a quantified reduction target over a five-year time horizon, together with the measures to achieve it.

