
Ethics in the classroom: the debate

Ethics in the classroom: the debate

Among the successive meanings of the word ethics offered by the RAE - "straight, according to morality", "set of moral norms that govern the conduct of the person", "person who studies or teaches morality", "part of the philosophy that deals with the good ”, etcetera - does not figure that of“ controversy engine ”…, although it should. Perhaps that is why, in the so-called 'Anti-pedagogical Notice' of his book Ethics for Amador (whose first edition is 30 years old), Fernando Savater offered in 1991 his personal meaning: "I do not think that ethics serve to settle any debate, although his job is to collaborate in initiating them all." And time again proves the old professor from Zorroaga right: a harsh debate, although surely constructive for the future, has been generated by the new educational law approved in December by Parliament, the Lomloe (Organic Law of Modification of the LOE, that is, of the Organic Law of Education of 2006), popularly known as Celaá law by the name of its promoter and defender, the Minister of Education and Professional Training, Isabel Celaá. The controversy centers on the non-inclusion of the Ethics subject in 4th year of ESO, to which the Government has preferred another, Education in Civic and Ethical Values, which will include subjects such as the social value of taxes, constitutional values, gender equality, animal rights or how to behave on social media.


