University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics

University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics

On July 31, 2019, at the Casa de Servicio a la Sociedad de la Universidad del Azuay, located on Fray Vicente Solano and Tadeo Torres avenues, at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m., representatives of the four universities of Cuenca and citizens met, who formed the University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics, whose objective is the study of ethics and bioethics in different social areas, as well as the development of initiatives that allow the social positioning of these approaches.


Members of the University and Citizen Network of Ethics and Bioethics


Ernest Robalino

Adriana Mora

Fabian Leon

John Paul Salgado

Paola C. Ingavelez Guerra

Maria Anais Leguizamo

Klever Zuna Serrano

Fredy Lopez

Christian F. Barreto

Eduardo Pinos Velez

santiago jara

Sebastian Medina

Carlos Peach

Juan Morales Ordonez

Ximena moscoso

Pedro Crespo Vintimilla

Fabián Jaramillo Paredes

Hugo Darquea Lopez

Mario Jaramillo Paredes

Gustavo Chacón

Pablo Star 

Antonio Martínez 

Cesar Montano

Francis Huerta

Mauricio Correa

Susana vidal 

Rossana Valeria de Souza e Silva

Jean-Claude Kalubi